Put Abortion
On The Ballot!

The overwhelming majority of Floridians think we should all have the freedom to make our own personal health care decisions without interference from politicians. 

Despite that, politicians have again denied Floridians the right to control their own bodies and lives, approving a six-week abortion ban. It bans abortion before many people even realize they are pregnant and leaves little time to get care under Florida’s two-trip requirement. Help put these decisions back in the hands of Florida families and their doctors, not politicians.

About Floridians Protecting Freedom

Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) is a statewide campaign of allied organizations and concerned citizens working together to protect Floridians’ access to reproductive health care and defend the right to bodily autonomy. FPF recognizes that all Floridians deserve the freedom to make personal medical decisions, free of government intrusion. Our citizen-led ballot initiative, the “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion,” seeks to further codify that right into Florida law by creating a constitutional amendment that explicitly blocks the implementation of laws that prohibit, delay, or restrict abortion access.

Paid political advertisement provided in-kind by Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates,
736 Central Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236

Paid political advertisement paid for by Floridians Protecting Freedom, Inc.,
Post Office Box 4068, Sarasota, FL 34230.

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