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Limit Government Interference with Abortion

June 21, 2024

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Yes On 4 Campaign secures over $20 million in just 11 weeks

TALLAHASSEE – Today, Yes On 4, the campaign to limit government interference with abortion, has released an exciting financial report. From June 1 to June 14 donors have given over $8 million, including in-kind donations. The campaign has raised over $20 million in just 11 weeks, since Yes On 4 secured a place on the ballot. 

Lauren Brenzel, Campaign Director for the Yes On 4 Campaign, offered the following statement:

“As we launch our volunteer canvassing program this weekend, the Yes On 4 Campaign is fueled by this significant donor enthusiasm to boost our efforts. $20 million in just 11 weeks is no small feat and its thanks to the groundswell of support here at home.

“Now, we invite Floridians from the panhandle to Miami to join our Super Saturday events to show their continued support as volunteers. Together, we’ll send a clear message that Floridians do not want extreme politicians taking away our freedom to make our own health care decisions and that includes abortion.”

At Yes On 4, we believe that Florida voters have a right to make informed decisions that impact them, their families, and their communities. Our organizers and volunteers are fanning out across the state to educate voters about the opportunity to stop Florida’s extreme abortion ban on the ballot this year. The Yes On 4 Campaign provides two clear choices this November– to maintain the current ban on almost all abortions, with no real exceptions, or vote Yes on Amendment 4 to limit government interference with abortion in Florida. 
