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Limit Government Interference with Abortion


September 10, 2024

Contact: [email protected] 

Floridians Protecting Freedom’s Yes on 4 Campaign Launches Multi-Million Dollar Paid Media Campaign with First TV Ad 

The first ad “Before” will begin airing on Tuesday in Florida’s top media markets

FLORIDA – With 56 days until Election Day, Floridians Protecting Freedom’s Yes on 4 Campaign today kicked off a statewide, multi-million dollar ads campaign expanding across the most populated TV markets in the state.

The first television ad in the expansive paid media campaign, “Before” highlights that Florida’s extreme ban goes into effect before many women even realize they are pregnant. The only way to end this extreme ban, which also has no real exceptions for rape, incest, or health of the woman, is for Floridians to vote yes on Amendment 4. This ad and subsequent ads will run statewide on television in Florida, in addition to on various online platforms, and feature personal stories from Floridians who have been personally affected by the ban. 

“The bottom line is, the Florida government is trying to decide what you should do with your body, not you,” said Lauren Brenzel, Campaign Director for the Yes on 4 campaign. “This multi-million dollar paid media campaign will remind Floridians – who supported this amendment across party lines – that the State is meddling with our personal decisions and make clear what is at stake and how the current abortion ban is greatly harming the lives of many Floridians.” 

You can watch “Before” – which began airing today– here and view the transcription below. With just eight weeks until Election Day, these ads will serve as a reminder to Floridians that they have the power to remove politicians from private medical decisions about abortion. Florida’s abortion ban is extreme, and the government has made it clear they don’t trust women to make decisions about their own healthcare. Voting yes on Amendment 4 is the only way to end Florida’s near-total ban and put personal health care decisions back where they belong: with women and their doctors – not politicians.

VO: Before many women know they’re pregnant.

Before their first appointment.

Before a doctor can see anything on an ultrasound.

This is when government in Florida has banned abortion.

An extreme ban with no real exceptions.

Not for her health…

Not even for rape.

A ban where government decides…not you.

And that’s why Florida must vote Yes on 4.

To stop the dangerous ban.

Because government will never know better than a woman and her doctor.

**To schedule interviews with spokespeople, contact [email protected]**
