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Limit Government Interference with Abortion


October 17, 2024
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Yes on 4 Campaign Reacts to Florida Judge Granting Order Temporarily Halting State’s Ability to Silence Woman’s Political Speech

Caroline, a woman with terminal brain cancer, has been at the center of the State’s unconstitutional interference with Amendment 4 

TALLAHASSEE –  Moments ago, the US District Court for the Northern District of Florida Tallahassee Division granted a Temporary Restraining Order in the lawsuit filed by Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) in response to the FL government’s cease and desist letter that had been sent to FL TV stations across the state, threatening stations to pull down Yes on 4’s political ad featuring Caroline, a mother who shared her harrowing story about receiving life-extending abortion care. This cruel attempt to silence a woman with terminal brain cancer clearly violates Floridians Protecting Freedom’s First Amendment constitutional rights.

This TRO affirms the State “has crossed the line from advocating against Amendment 4 to censoring speech” and orders that the State is “temporarily enjoined from taking any further actions to coerce, threaten, or intimate repercussions directly or indirectly to television stations, broadcasters, or other parties for airing Yes on 4’s speech, or undertaking enforcement action against Yes on 4 for running political advertisements.”

In their lawsuit, Floridians Protecting Freedom had argued that their advertisement “Caroline” is core political speech squarely protected under the First Amendment and the State’s coercion is a textbook violation of the First Amendment.

“This critical initial victory is a triumph for every Floridian who believes in democracy and the sanctity of the First Amendment,” said Lauren Brenzel, Campaign Director of Yes on 4. “The court has affirmed what we’ve known all along: the government cannot silence the truth about Florida’s extreme abortion ban. It’s a deadly ban that puts women’s lives at risk. This ruling is a powerful reminder that Floridians will not back down in the face of government intimidation.

Floridians Protecting Freedom’s message is clear: Florida’s abortion ban is cruel, extreme, and has no workable exceptions for rape, incest, or a woman’s health. We are more energized than ever to continue our fight to restore reproductive freedom in Florida, and today’s ruling sends a strong message that attempts to silence the truth will not stand.

A preliminary injunction hearing has been scheduled by the court for October 29, 2024 at 9AM ET.


Yes On 4 is a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give Florida voters the chance to ensure the government doesn’t interfere in Floridians’ personal medical decisions. Learn more about the coalition and its work at: https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/