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Limit Government Interference with Abortion

June 10, 2024

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Yes On 4: Over $11.7 million dollars raised in today’s campaign finance report

TALLAHASSEE – Today, Yes On 4, the campaign to limit government interference with abortion, has released their April through May finance report. From April 1 to May 31, 2024, over 11,000 individual donors have given over $11.7 million, including in-kind donations, from over 28,000 contributions with about 70% coming from within Florida.

Lauren Brenzel, Campaign Director for the Yes On 4 Campaign, offered the following statement:

“Floridians are already reeling from the devastating impacts of the May 1 implementation of Florida’s extreme abortion ban. Seeing increased financial support for the Yes on 4 effort provides us a glimmer of hope. Regardless of income or background, every Florididan deserves the freedom to make their own health care decisions without government interference, including abortion, and we’ll keep up the fight to make that a reality.”

“Our campaign to stop government interference with abortion is in service to Floridians and funded by Floridians which is a testament to the grassroots power of this effort. Raising over $11.7 million dollars is very encouraging as we get closer to November and we look forward to passing Amendment 4 to put the power of health care back into the hands of the people,” added Natasha Sutherland, Communications Director for the Yes On 4 Campaign.

Yes On 4 has raised over $31.8 million to date, with about 70% coming from within the state of Florida. At Yes On 4, we believe that Florida voters have a right to make informed decisions that impact them, their families, and their communities. Our organizers and volunteers are fanning out across the state to educate voters about the opportunity to stop Florida’s extreme abortion ban on the ballot this year. The Yes On 4 Campaign provides two clear choices this November– to maintain the current ban on almost all abortions, with no real exceptions, or vote Yes on Amendment 4 to limit government interference with abortion in Florida.


Yes On 4 is a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give Florida voters the chance to ensure the government doesn’t interfere in Floridians’ personal medical decisions. Learn more about the coalition and its work at: https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/