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Limit Government Interference with Abortion

October 10, 2023

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Floridians Protecting Freedom responds to Attorney General Ashley Moody’s effort to silence voters

SARASOTA – Floridians Protecting Freedom Campaign Director Lauren Brenzel issued the statement below in response to Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody’s attempt to silence voters before they have an opportunity to vote on limiting government interference with abortion:

“The proposed amendment is clear and precise in limiting government interference with abortion ‘before viability.’ 

“Viability in the abortion context has always meant the stage of fetal development when the life of a fetus is sustainable outside the womb through standard medical measures. 

“This is how the state of Florida itself defines viability. This is how the United States Supreme Court and Florida Supreme Court still define viability. Dictionaries and doctors also define viability this way in the abortion context. 

“This is a disingenuous argument by a politician desperate to block Floridians from voting on this amendment. 

“Voters know what viability means and they will see right through this effort to silence their voice.”


Floridians Protecting Freedom is a citizen-led ballot initiative campaign to give Florida voters the chance to ensure the government doesn’t interfere in Floridians’ personal medical decisions. Learn more about the coalition and its work at: https://floridiansprotectingfreedom.com/